A wire brush is an abrasive tool that has stiff bristles made from a variety of rigid materials designed to clean and prepare metal surfaces. The filaments of wire brushes are small diameter pieces of inflexible material that are closely spaced together as a means for cleaning surfaces that require aggressive and abrasive tools. The means of applying the brush can be either manual or mechanical depending on the type of brush and the surface to be treated.
The manufacturing of a unique type of wire brush called a wire drawn brush, which is a very sturdy and durable brush that is made by a process that ensures filament retention.
A metal channel is a roll formed metal strip that has been shaped into a tube or a U, J, or C shape to be used in several industrial applications. Various types of metal are ideal for use as metal channel profiles and are chosen according to the needs of the application. The types of metals include steel, aluminum, zinc, or brass with aluminum being the most used due to its resilience, adaptability, and rust and corrosion resistance.
In the construction industry, metal channels provide a means of absorbing sound by being placed between the two sides of plasterboard walls. When the walls vibrate because of sound on either side of a wall, the channels dampen the sound waves by muffling the vibrations caused by the sound. This is only one of the many uses for exceptionally durable and long lasting metal channels.
Types of Metal Channels
Metal channels are produced by high speed roll forming that converts metal into linear roll formed channel shapes. The shapes and dimensions of the roll formed channels depends on the requirements of the type of application where they will be used. The main functions of metal channels include continuous support and strengthening of other components.
In the design process, metal channels begin with a base, which is referred to as the web that has legs on either side. During the roll forming process, the strips of metal are shaped into various forms that are strategically designed for specific applications. Though C channels are the more common forms of metal channels. The term C channel is a generic descriptor used to define a wide array of profiles and designs.
C Channel
C channels are one of the more common types of metal channels and are widely used in construction as building, wall, roof, and ceiling supports. The term C channel encompasses a wide variety of channel types, dimensions, and sizes since sheet metal can be roll formed to fit any specific requirements.
The term C channel comes from the roll formed profile appearance of the metal, which has the shape of a C. A C channel is shaped using the U shape with the addition of flanges on the two sides. In some cases, the flanges are completely crimped back on the sides to form a crimped C channel. There are a limitless number of channels that are labeled as C channels that come in a wide variety of shapes and forms to fit the needs of various applications.
Hat Channels
Hat channels have a base with sides that are straight up or on an angle. At the top of the sides, the edges flare out away from the center giving a profile appearance of a wide brimmed hat setting on its crown. Like a C channel, a hat channel begins as a U shape during the initial roll forming process, which is followed by the top edges being bent outward.
The structure and shape of hat channels makes them ideal for use in roof framing, which has gained them the alternate name of hat purlins, a longitudinal, horizontal structural part of a roof. The standard length of hat channels is 20 feet though they are available in made to order lengths.
U Channel
The distinctive shape of U channels is achieved by forming two right angles on a roll formed flat piece of metal. U shaped metal channels, as with other forms of channels, come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes with round or flat bottoms and sides of a few inches up to several inches. The width of the bottom and the height
J Channels
The configuration of a J channel is created by having one of the sides of the channel longer than the other, which presents a profile that is like the letter J. Though the basic J channel has a variety of sizes and uses, there are several kinds of J channels that are designed to fit a variety of application specifications.
Three common forms of J channels are the simple version without a hem, a hemmed type, and J channel that has a flat portion that can be screwed or nailed on. Like other forms of metal channels, J channels are available in several lengths from a few feet up to over 20 feet.
Metals Used in Producing Metal Channels
There are very few limits to the types of metals used to roll form metal channels though aluminum, various grades of stainless steel, and carbon steel are the more commonly used. The choice of metal for the production of a metal channel depends on what its function will be, with heavier, more rigid metals being better for heavy load conditions.
Light metals like brass and aluminum are used for the support of shelves and secondary cross supports. Steel is widely used for building studs and rafters for construction projects.
Metals Used in Producing Metal Channels
The strength and endurance of steel makes it ideal for the use in the manufacture of metal channels. Its structural strength is used in the manufacture of building frames and braces as well as supports for various types of machinery and heavy duty equipment.
The versatility and strength of aluminum makes it a perfect choice for the formation of metal channels. Though it does not have the same tensile strength as steel, it still has enough stability to be used as a support for specific applications. Aluminum channels can be found in frame extensions, light poles, lighting fixtures, window and door frames, joints, and the manufacture of lightweight ladders. Since aluminum has excellent conductivity, aluminum metal channels are used as heat conductors and reflectors.
Various grades of brass are used for the manufacture of metal channels. Brass 385, referred to as architectural bronze, is a very sturdy and resilient form of brass that has exceptional corrosion resistance and can be easily shaped and formed. Brass 385 has a pleasant aesthetic appearance that polishes to a glossy finish and is used as support for decorative applications such as shelving and wall supports for displays. Brass can be produced to exacting tolerances and in lengths to fit any application.
Stainless Steel
The many grades of stainless steel make it an ideal material for roll forming of metal channels. The qualities and attributes of stainless steel depends on the grade with some having better characteristics. The main reasons for using stainless steel are its mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, and pleasant appearance. Since stainless steel is corrosion and rust resistant, it has become a staple in the manufacture of products for industries that require exceptional cleanliness and sanitary conditions.
Commonly used stainless steel grades are 304 and 316 with 304 being the most common. The resilience of stainless steel is due to the steel being alloyed with chromium and nickel, which gives it its resistance to oxidation and corrosion. Stainless steel grade 316 is marine grade and the second most used form of stainless steel.
The main reason copper is used in roll forming is its ductility, which makes it extremely easy to roll form into any of the many metal channel profiles. In many cases, copper is alloyed with zinc to make brass and tin to make bronze. The alloying of the metals enhances their characteristics and qualities. All of the versions of copper are referred to as the red metals. Even after going through the roll forming process, they still retain their initial strength.
Though red metals are similar to stainless steel in resilience and form, they don‘t have the same structural strength as stainless steel. Their outstanding and exceptional trait is their durability. Once they are oxidized, they are completely resistant to the influence and effects of environmental elements.
A metal channel is a roll formed metal strip that has been shaped into a tube or a U, J, or C shape for industrial and manufacturing use.
Metal channels are produced by high speed roll forming that converts metal into linear roll formed channel shapes.
Metal channels are used for a variety of applications. Their most common use is as a means of support for walls, ceilings, and roofs.
There are very few limits to the types of metals used to roll form metal channels though aluminum, various grades of stainless steel, and carbon steel are some of the more commonly used.
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