100 watt Mobile Solar Panel Mounting System are a great size for vehicle mounted systems because they are extremely strong, easy to mount (try lifting a 300 watt Mobile Solar Panel Mounting System onto a roof, its not fun) and they are easy to source locally.
You can use larger Mobile Solar Panel Mounting System designed to work with houses, but they will be harder to source and not as strong as a 100 watt solar panel. If you use a large house Mobile Solar Panel Mounting System on your vehicle mounted system, make sure the aluminum frame of the Mobile Solar Panel Mounting System is double walled aluminum. Also, use a strong roof rack. If not, the panel will fly off the top of your vehicle.
Extremely durable (can handle snow, rain, heat for years!)
Easy to mount
Last 25+ years, no problem
Sino Green sells used but inspected solar panels. Every panel they sell is a high-quality name Mobile Solar Panel Mounting System, and after selling 1000's of solar panels they have only had a handful of returns.
These are a fraction of the cost of the solar panels I recommend above, and will work for a long time.
What people don't realize about Mobile Solar Panel Mounting System, is that they last for decades, if not centuries. Most panels are rated for 25 years to 80% output, which is an extremely conservative goal. Most Mobile Solar Panel Mounting System can produce well over 90% of their rated output after 30 years. They can also handle years of non-stop rain/hail/snow/wind without issue.
For me personally, I go for the cheapest panels possible, because cost is not really a determinant factor of performance (such as the cheap solar panels I recommend above). After my real world testing of stacks of Solar Panel Integrated Mounting System, many cheap panels can produce the same or more power than the more expensive ones, and they have the same safety ratings, and warranties.
The problem with Solar Panel Integrated Mounting System is that the shipping cost is pretty steep. So be sure to use this option if you plan to build a large array only.
Common Mounting Methods For Different Roof Types
To summarize it as easily as possible:If you have a roof rack, or you can install a roof rack, bolt the solar panels to that
If you have a flat metal/fiberglass roof, use VHB tape mounting methods, preferably using the "drill-less corner mounts"
If you have a rubber roof, use screw-in z-brackets and lap sealant
If you have a curved roof, use flexible panels and VHB/eternabond tape (or find a way to put a roof rack on it, then mount panels to that)
There is one final method to mention. If your roof is water damaged or falling apart, or you simply do not care much about the RV, use some z-brackets and long bolts/fender washers to mount the panels. This will require sealant, and will be super ugly, but it will be safe. Use fender washers on the top and bottom of the roof. You will have bolts showing in your ceiling, but the solar panel will not fly off unless your roof does as well. I understand that some people are homeless in their RV and cannot afford to fix their roof. I get it. Just make sure that your Solar Panel Integrated Mounting System will not fly off and kill someone.
Follow these steps to attach them to your roof:Attach mounts to solar panel with Stainless Steel bolts/screws or VHB tape (be sure to clean the solar panel and mounts with rubbing alcohol before adhering them with VHB tape)
Attach VHB to the bottom of the mounts (do not peel back the protective backing until you are ready to mount the panels). Cover the entire bottom surface with VHB tape.
Before you lift your panels onto your roof, clean the roof with soap and water, then let it dry. Then spray rubbing alcohol to the areas you plan to mount your solar panel mounts, and allow to dry again. You can also roughen up the mating surface with a fine sand paper, but it is not required.
Now that the roof is prepared, lift solar panels w/ mounts onto the roof of your vehicle Remove protective backing on the VHB tape and place the solar panels where desired. Press the panel against the roof with some force. Mildly lift the panel to ensure a strong bond. Look to see if the mating surfaces are flat, and that the mount is flush with the roof.
Put a bead of sealant such as sino green-flex or lap sealant around the mounts (to protect the tape), or use Eternabond tape.
Wait 72 hours for a full bond.
And that's it! This is a super simple procedure, and most of the work required is simply cleaning the roof.
Last note: Some people like to use sino green flex to attach the mounts to the roof. I would not do this and I have read of stories of this failing. Stick with using VHB tape, and only use sino green flex along the edge of the mount to protect the tape.
A portable Solar Panel Integrated Mounting System stand is one of the most beneficial upgrades anyone can do to a portable Solar Panel Integrated Mounting System. Having used many solar generators, I have had to charge them with solar panels many times. Putting Solar Panel Integrated Mounting System directly onto the ground works pretty okay during the summer but during the fall, winter and spring Solar Panel Integrated Mounting System stand makes a huge difference in power production.
The first time I ever built a solar panel stand it was extremely complicated. That’s why I never published anything about it because it could not be easily replicated. I wanted something that was lightweight, very compactable and could take with me anywhere. I think permanent installations are just fine for Solar Panel Integrated Mounting System but with a solar generator, a portable solar panel mount is really helpful.
Solar is a large investment, there’s no way around that, it isn’t cheap. A solar panel stand frame is the cheapest and easiest way to get more power from the panels. I am also not huge on having a permanent installation of panels for a solar generator because in the event of a natural disaster I could lose my entire investment. For example, the wildfires in California burned countless homes and many of those homes had solar on them. Same in southeast Texas and along the entire Gulf Coast, horrific hurricanes have caused billions of dollars of damage to solar equipment from hail, debris, wind and water.
Sino Green New Energy Tech Co Ltd