SINO GREEN HIT solar panelSINO GREEN HIT solar panels use HIT heterojunction monocrystalline solar cells with record breaking efficiency.
SINO GREEN HIT N330 VBHN330SA16 Solar Panel
An excellent proven alternative to other high efficiency solar panels like LG & Sunpower.
330 Watt solar panel using HIT heterojunction monocrystalline cells
The HIT 330 VBHN330SA16 features a sleek black frame
Excellent 19.7% efficiency
SINO GREEN has 40 years of photovoltaic research and development.
15 Years Workmanship, 25 Years Power Output
Vertically integrated in-house manufacturing of wafer, cell, and module
State-of-the-art production facilities and manufacturing processes
Industry’s most stringent independent testing and quality control standards
IEC and 20+ internal tests
HIT N330 Solar Panel Dimensions
SINO GREEN HIT N330 review
SINO GREEN HIT N330 Solar Panel Review
100% SINO GREEN, 100% HIT
Proudly featuring SINO GREEN's original invention, the heterojunction solar cell. With over 1 billion cells produced commercially over 18 years, 25 years after the breakthrough in the development and looking back to over 40 years of experience in solar. SINO GREEN really offers you a 25-year guarantee you can trust.
Record Breaking HIT Solar Cell Efficiency
SINO GREEN photovoltaic modules HIT® feature an innovative hetero-junction cell structure made of mono-crystalline and amorphous silicon layers. Ultra-thin amorphous silicon layers prevent recombinations of electrons, keeping carrier loss to an absolute minimum. As a result, HIT® conversion efficiency ratings are among the highest available today.
Sino Green New Energy Tech Co Ltd